Project Brief

Strengthening and Empowering Urban Local Authorities in the Delivery of Decentralised Sanitation Services


Objective 1

Contribute to integrated action at municipality level to reduce poverty and support inclusive and sustainable economic development

The first specific objective of promoting integrated action at municipal level to address basic sanitation, water and solid waste management will be delivered directly by the proposed action i.e. piloting decentralised integrated sanitation solutions for (a) Decentralised Wastewater Treatment System & Reuse (DEWATS), (b) Community Based Sanitation complex linked to DEWATS(CBS-DEWATS) (c) Low-cost Simplified Sewerage Systems(SSS) (d) Decentralised Solid Waste Management(DESWAM) and (e) Health and Hygiene (H&H)at ward level focusing on urban poor in un-served and ‘highly stressed’ settlements as suggested in City Sanitation Plan (CSP).

Objective 2

Contribute to integrated action at municipality level to reduce poverty and support inclusive and sustainable economic development

The second specific objective of empowering urban local bodies to effectively execute government programs and achieve tangible results for urban poor communities is central to all aspects of the proposed action as the project specifically aims to empower and strengthen municipality capacity to deliver basic sanitation services. This will be directly addressed by two set of actions, one will be directed at empowering individual functionaries and elected representatives of the ULB, while another set of action will empower ULBs as an institution.

Specific Objective

Strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of Municipal Corporation Shimla (MCS) in delivering decentralised, integrated sanitation services focusing on un-served settlements and urban poor

A set of actions aim at strengthening of the institutional delivery mechanism, awareness and education and a participatory approach would empower service user groups such as ward committees and thereby improve the accountability of local authorities. Lastly, the impact of the sum total of the proposed actions resulting in improved sanitation will contribute to the last specific objective of contributing to the local economic development. Overall, the objective corresponding to the expected result of empowering local bodies for integrated action at municipal level on sanitation will be addressed the most by the proposed project.

Result 1

Enhanced awareness, knowledge and practical skills of ULBs functionaries, elected representatives for delivering decentralised integrated sanitation solutions

Result 2

Inclusive planning approach of ULBs for decentralised sanitation service delivery is strengthened.

Result 3

Integrated decentralised sanitation solutions are recognized and included in ULB options portfolio.

Target Groups

 Functionaries and elected representatives of minimum 5 ULBs who have limited exposure to integrated decentralised sanitation solutions and new sanitation technologies. This group will consist of minimum150staff from MCS, 120staff from 2 cities with CSP and 120from 2 cities without CSP and elected representatives from 5 cities. The main focus however will be on MCS functionaries, the other 4 ULBs will be targeted only for skill trainings, dissemination and promotion of city-wide planning

 The second target group includes district level agencies involved in the provision of sanitation solutions such as the Public Health and Engineering Department, Public Works Department and District Administration. In addition, the project will foster partnerships with local NGOs and other private institutions to ensure a successful exit strategy.
 The third important target group are the service users consisting of at least 1500 households from un-served urban settlements (notified slums and/or housing colonies) where neither individual on-site nor centralised sewerage systems are suitable.